The primary goal for the Veterinary Consultation Services Division within Burzenski & Company is really to make sure that our financial clients are as successful as possible. We want to do everything we can to monitor their financials and get to a point where we are able to assist them with any and everything that comes with running and operating their practices.
So not only from a financial standpoint, being an accounting firm, but also looking at managerially from an operational standpoint, from a marketing standpoint, even regulatory looking at how they are managing and operating their practices as far as OSHA, DEA, all the things that the government oversees and how we run and operate the practices. We want to make sure from a personnel management that we're compliant with federal and state laws, making sure that they're being able to handle staff conflict, being able to schedule their employees correctly, making sure that they don't have too many people when they don't need them, not enough when they do.
So really it boils down to running a well-oiled machine, and that is what our division is focusing on, helping our practices to be as successful as possible.
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