Auditing Services

Since 1983, the professional staff at Burzenski & Company has been providing comprehensive auditing services for practices of all sizes throughout the nation.

During the audit process we develop a relationship with a client that is built upon trust, realistic timetables and solid business insight. We work alongside practice managers and staff to gather necessary financial information with minimal schedule interruptions. We keep clients informed of all compliance regulations and provide documentation to further the practice and improve the audit process. When changes occur that affect a practice or the veterinary industry, we provide notification of the change before it is enacted.

The complex audit process requires a stringent attention to detail and timeliness to produce high-quality results. The audit should generate efficiencies and improve the client’s bottom line. This process requires judgment, maturity, expertise and competent creativity – trademarks of Burzenski & Company.

our slate of auditing services:

  • Audits of financial statements
  • Audits of pension funds
  • Operational consulting audits
  • Assistance with management information systems
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